Catheter Flow Meter

Main Uses of the Catheter Flow Tester
The catheter flow tester is mainly used to measure and evaluate the flow performance of medical catheters, such as intravascular catheters, non - intravascular catheters, and infusion set catheters. In the medical field, this tester has a wide range of applications, including but not limited to the following aspects: - **Product R & D**: During the design and R & D stage of catheter products, the tester can help engineers accurately assess the flow performance of different design schemes, providing powerful data support for product iteration. - **Quality Control**: Through batch testing, the tester can ensure that each batch of catheters meets the established flow standards and performance requirements, thus improving the overall quality of products. - **Clinical Application**: The tester can be used to monitor the flow changes of catheters in patients, providing real - time physiological parameter feedback to doctors, which is helpful for adjusting treatment plans, assessing the progress of the disease, and preventing complications.
Compliance Standards
GB/T 15812.1 - 2005 *Non - Vascular Intravascular Catheters - Part 1: General Performance Test Methods* YY 0285.1 - 2017 *Disposable Sterile Intravascular Catheters*
Technical Parameters
- **Testing Range**: Usually within a certain weight or volume range, such as 1.00 - 600.00g (varying according to catheter specifications) or a specific flow range. - **Accuracy**: The testing accuracy is usually high, such as ±0.01%F.S. (one - ten - thousandth of the full scale) or higher accuracy requirements. - **Static Water Level Height**: Such as 200±5mm and 1000±5mm, etc., to meet different testing needs. The water pump has an automatic circulation function, and the static water level is adjustable. - **Time Controller**: Usually 0 - 60min, with an error not exceeding ±1S, used to control the testing time. - **Fixtures**: Can adapt to catheters of various specifications and types, ensuring the versatility and flexibility of the test. - **Flow Calculation**: Generally, the weighing method is used to calculate the flow (imported flowmeters can also be selected), to ensure the accuracy of the results. - **Flow Rate**: Such as 525ml/min (arbitrary selection) ±25ml/min, etc., to adapt to different testing scenarios. - **Intelligent Temperature Control**: The tester is usually equipped with a micro - computer intelligent temperature - control system to ensure the constancy and accuracy of the test temperature. - **Special Accessories**: Including stainless - steel thermostatic water baths, special connectors, etc., to meet the testing needs of catheters of different specifications and types.
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