Micro - volume Continuous Closed - Cup Flash - point Tester

Reference Standards
SH/T 0768, SN/T 3077.1, DL/T 1354, ASTM D6450
SN/T 3077.2, ASTM D7094
GB/T 261, GB/T 21615, ASTM D93
GB/T 5208, GB/T 21790, ASTM D3828
Product Features
1. It adopts the advanced continuous closed - cup flash - point test method, which is more accurate and efficient. 2. It requires a small sample amount, resulting in low test costs and minimal pollution. 3. With continuous closed - cup operation, there is no open flame, ensuring high safety. 4. It has a built - in refrigeration module, offering a wide flash - point test range and a fast cooling rate. 5. Standard test methods are preset and can be associated with other closed - cup methods. 6. It features fully automated detection and automatically corrects the flash - point based on atmospheric pressure. 7. It displays temperature and pressure curves in real - time, making the test process more intuitive. 8. The test results include a temperature - pressure rise curve, providing more information about flash combustion. 9. Key components are from well - known international brands, ensuring long - term stable operation. 10. It supports user - level management, enabling the management and control of accounts at different levels. 11. The USB interface is plug - and - play. An optional thermal printer is available for convenient data management. 12. It is equipped with a 7 - inch color touch screen that supports Chinese input, making the operation intuitive and simple.
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