Conveyor needle detector

Applicable to shoes, hats, testing,broken needles andiron substances.
Basic parameters
Power voltage: AC220V 50Hz±10%
Power: 6OW
Detection width: 600mm
.Height passing the products: 150mm
Sensitivity: 0-10 level adjustable
Detectability:1.5Fe iron ball have reaction
Conveyor belt rotation speed: 30mz/min
External dimension: (Length × Width × Height)1600 × User customization ×500 mm
Gross weight:120kg
Function and features
1.Configure with anti-static non-metal rubber conveyor belt.
2. Alarm modes are respectively sound and light to work simultaneouslv.,enable to help operators to find
3.Machine equipped with counting function, it is divided into aood product. bad product and summation.
4.Possess the detection of thiek fahrin anyd thun facu mnto good proquct, bad product and summaon. oood andautomatic counting etc.
5.The machine adoots soecial mannetio.ogsl 0mtfioall, to makeparticularly high detection accuracVg and coienotihig macerIals and special technology to manuftacture scien licany n needledetector field currently.
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