Does the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester harm people in its vicinity when it operates normally?
Does the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester harm people in its vicinity when it operates normally?
There is a small room on our side, which is just suitable for three identical UV Accelerated Weathering Testers. The room is surrounded by walls, one of which is enclosed by glass, and the place where we work is by the table next to the wall. The table is close to the wall, and the room can be seen from the glass, so we are very close to the UV machine. In fact, I have also read the manual of the UV machine, which says that under normal operation, when the door is closed, there is no radiation hazard. Yes, but there is UV leakage, and the part of the radiation leaked is equivalent to 1/20 of the sunlight coming in through a closed window. But we have three UV machines, aren't we very dangerous under abnormal operation?

Also, the manual says. The exposure of the sample to the UV machine for a few days is equivalent to the effect of several months or years under natural conditions. Does that mean that the UV light intensity of the UV machine is several times that of ordinary sunlight? We are so far away from the sun, but The distance from the UV machine is so close, I am really worried. In addition, we have a xenon lamp aging instrument, which is about 7 meters away from us.
The answer to whether the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester will harm people in its vicinity when it is running:
The UV light produced by the UV box is indeed stronger than that of the sun, but if operated properly, there is almost no harm. My home specializes in aging, and there are many xenon lamps and ultraviolet equipment. Moreover, there are ozone, carbon arc lamps and other equipment in the aging room. The office of the staff is next to it, and they often go to check the equipment and samples. Several staff members are in good health.

In addition, the penetrating power of ultraviolet rays is very weak, and the ultraviolet rays after passing through the glass will be significantly weakened, so don't worry too much. Mainly when checking samples, the UV box must be turned off first, and the samples can be checked after the UV lamp has cooled down.
Another point to note, because ultraviolet rays irradiate the air will produce ozone, although not much, not much harm to the human body, but it is still recommended to install an exhaust fan in the aging room.
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2022-02-15 11:11