Measurement of Moisture:Moisture Management Tester
A conditioning oven, as shown in figure, is a large oven which contains
the fiber sample in a mesh container.The container is suspended
inside the oven from one pan of balance, the mechanism of which
is outside the oven. This ensures that the weight of the sample
can be monitored without disturbing the system.
A continual flow of air at the correct relative humidity is passed through
the oven which is maintained at 105o C. The main advantage of
using a conditioning oven for carrying our regain determinations is
that all the weighing is carried out inside the oven.
The use of the conditioning oven to dry a sample is correct standard procedure;
any other method of sample drying has to be checked for accuracy against it.

The method is based on the assumption that the air drawn into the oven is
at the standard atmospheric condition. Moisture analysis covers
a variety of methods for measuring moisture content in both high level
and trace amounts in solids, liquids, or gases. Moisture in percentage amounts
is monitored as a specification in commercial food production.
There are many applications where trace moisture measurements are necessary for
manufacturing and process quality assurance.
Trace moisture in solids must be controlled for plastics,
pharmaceuticals and heat treatment processes.
Gas or liquid measurement applications include dry air,
hydrocarbon processing,pure semiconductor gases, bulk pure gases,
dielectric gases such as those in transformers and power plants,
and natural gaspipeline transport.
The moisture detection and moisture analysis test equipment in the loss-on-drying,
dielectric and categories is especially suited for use in a laboratory or at process location.
The need for on-line moisture measurement in a process or
at a production line has has been growing. It established an affiliation with the
Moisture Register Products Division of in order to offer on-line service,
microwave and radio frequency moisture analyzers.
These instrument are widely used for determining moisture content in the food, mining,
and building materials industries.
2016-06-22 17:11