Adiabatic Calorimeter for Batteries

Reference Standards
GB/T 36276 - 2023 *Lithium - ion Batteries for Electric Power Energy Storage
UL 9540A ASTM E1981 - 98(2012) SN/T 3078.1 - 2012 *Guidelines for the Evaluation of Thermal Stability of Chemicals - Part 1: Accelerated Calorimetry Method
USABC SAND99 - 0497, July 1999: 3.2 Thermal Stability Tests SAE J2464 - R2009: 4.4.2 Thermal Stability Tests Freedom CAR SAND 2005 - 3123: 4.1 Thermal stability UL 1973 GB 38031 - 2020 *Safety Requirements for Power Batteries of Electric Vehicles
Product Features
Precision: The self - heating detection sensitivity is far better than the standard detection threshold of 0.02°C/min. It has high thermal insulation performance and a small temperature difference between the wall and the sample. Efficiency: With an innovative heating wire assisted heating solution, the experimental efficiency can be increased by up to 5 times. Safety: It is equipped with safety protection measures such as burst discs, pressure relief valves, and explosion - proof boxes. The professional alarm system design comprehensively ensures the safety of personnel and equipment. Innovation: It has the innovative function of adiabatic thermal runaway - gas production combined analysis, enabling a comprehensive acquisition of the characteristic parameters of battery thermal runaway.
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