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Testing methods for masks

In view of the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus we decided to publish a short recap about proper personal protection equipment and their standardized testing ......


Surgical mask filter and fit performance

Surgical masks have been in widespread use since the early 1900s to help prevent infection of surgical wounds from staff-generated nasal and oral bacteria.1,2 T......


Independent Testing and Methods

This represents The American Association of Textile & Colorists. The AATCC is the world's largest technical and scientific organization to promote the knowl......


Type of mask testing

The performance of dust mask shall conform to the requirements described in the right column of the following Table when tested according to the test procedures......


What is Gelbo Flex Testing?

Gelbo flex testing is a standard per ASTM (ASTM F392: Standard Practice for Conditioning Flexible Barrier Materials for Flex Durability). As mentioned above, ge......


The Method Gelbo Flex Testing

Material that is a nonporous, flexible film can be used for gelbo flex testing. Typically, this is a clear plastic film that you would see on the on the reverse......


melt flow indexers testing method

There is no clear-cut reason to prove which method is ideal for a particular organization; however there are certain guidelines that can be used to make a choic......
