Burning Manikin System Pictures
The Burning Manikin System is used to test the overall thermal protection performance of protective clothing. The complete combustion dummy system consists of combustion chamber, combustion dummy and air supply control system.
When the body is used for clothing testing, the duration of the flame is generally 4 s, and the surface of the dummy may need to withstand a burning flame of up to 300 °C. It is stable and can withstand harsh fire environments; the response of the sensors arranged on the surface of the dummy to the combustion flame should be close to the response of human skin to the combustion flame; the data acquisition and processing device can quickly collect sensor data on the surface of the dummy.

The system is mainly produced by Burning Manikin System, data acquisition device, flame generation and control device, skin heat transfer model and burn assessment model, as well as system centralized control and application software platform. The design principle is to test the change of the surface temperature of the dummy by simulating the thermal exposure process of the human body in the burning flame, and to estimate the second-degree, third-degree burns and the percentage of the total burn area. The worse the flame retardant protection performance.
2022-01-21 15:00