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Chemical resistant automatic mannequin and head form

Chemical resistant automatic mannequin and head form

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Product Introduction:

The CBplus Individual Soldier system was commissioned by Defence Research and Development Canada. The second version of the mannequin system was manufactured and commissioned according to the requirements of DST Group Australia. The system consists of a mannequin and an upper body head for testing chemical and biological protective clothing and headgear.

A mannequin is a full-size, articulated, carbon-composite body form that produces accurate anthropometric data. It is lightweight, chemically resistant and capable of performing a range of specified motion protocols. The only means of support were the hands, face and feet, which were tied to the foot boards.

The mannequin is mounted in an external drive frame. The foot drive frame supports external actuators and provides 10 axes of motion. Two lightweight actuators are installed inside the mannequin to generate sympathetic head movement. The system can perform a test sequence of up to six hours in a chemically harsh environment, consisting of any combination of 10 pre-programmed actions.

Also included in the mannequin system is an interchangeable carbon composite upper body head form, designed as a portable stand-alone system for smaller test chambers and temporary environmental analysis tents, which has the same exact dimensions as the mannequin and can be interchanged directly in the drive frame. This upper body form of the head is supported by the base of the head rather than the face. The system provides users with fully computer-controlled head joints that can be combined with arm movements driven by the frame.

Both the upper body and the mannequin have soft, chemical-resistant elastomer skin that covers the entire head, neck, wrists, and waist of the mannequin. This material was developed by i-bodi specifically for this application. In addition, according to the test requirements, low-cost, high-flexibility disposable silicone leather has been developed as an alternative. The house dosimeter holder in the form of a mannequin and upper body head collects the necessary data to evaluate the integrity of the test garment.





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