100-V2 steam generator

Meet the standard:
The 100-V2 steam generator meets the requirements of Ford FLTM BI 107-05, GMW15919 and FCA LP-463PB-64-01 thermal shock test specifications.
Thermal shock test requirements:
Test Innovation Equipment is one of the only approved automotive thermal shock (steam injection) test manufacturers.
If you are new to thermal shock testing, you may find that an overview of thermal shock testing helps you become more familiar with the various OEM thermal shock testing methods.
Steam equipment:
Steam generator: Capable of producing consistent steam with an adjustable gas/electric burner. The water flow rate is 2.7 +/ -0.1 L/min, and the nozzle steam dynamic pressure is 37.9 +/ -1.9 kPa.
Hose: Can withstand high temperature/high pressure steam
Tubular nozzle: Inner diameter 12.5 +/- 0.3mm, length not less than 100mm, made of non-corrosive material
Supplier: Testing Innovations, Inc.
25170 Johnley Road
Madison Heights, Michigan 48071
(248) 515-5855
Model: 100-V2
Dynamic Head clamp (DHF) - Dynamic head pressure
See Figure 1-3. Must be able to measure the discharge dynamic head pressure of 37.9±1.9 kPa. Measuring 25 mm from the nozzle, using a 4.7 mm bore tube.
Supplier: Testing Innovations, Inc.
25170 Johnley Road
Madison Heights, Michigan 48071
(248) 515-5855
Model: DHF-1
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