Photovoltaic module outdoor exposure test system

Under standard test conditions (1000W.m-2,25℃ battery temperature, GBT6495.3 standard solar spectral irradiance distribution) and nominal operating temperature and irradiance of 800W.m2, and meet the standard spectral irradiance distribution conditions of GB/T6495.3, determine the electrical performance of the group varying with load.
Technical parameters:
1. Light Source (Class B solar simulator)
2, a standard photovoltaic device in accordance with IEC6090-4-2 or IEC60904-6
3, the appropriate support makes the test sample and the standard device in a vertical phase plane with the incident light
4, the device that monitors the temperature of test samples and standard devices requires the temperature test accuracy to be ±1 ° C, and the repeatability to be ±0.5 ° C
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