Standard light source sample table

Product Introduction:
The equipment is a standard light source machine for visual evaluation of the color of the object, in accordance with JSZ875 "standard light and standard light source for color measurement". Equipped with D65 and A light sources, can operate heterochromatic tests.
Technical parameters:
Model: D65 D65AC
Central light source:
D65 1.000Ix 600-2.000lx
A 1.000lx 600-2.000lx
Observation box size: 60(w) x48(D)x45(H)cm
Power requirements: AC 100V about 3A AC 100V about 5A
Size and weight:
68(w) x50(D)x64(H)cm【 Weight :25Kg】
68(w) x50(D)x64(H)cm【 Weight :27Kg】
* Optional addition of fluorescence and black light. Also available is A DAW model with D65 light, A-light and white fluorescent lamps mounted in parallel, allowing users to test color rendering under two types of light sources.
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