fogging test equipment

Working Principle:
The main frame of the Fogging Tester includes a water sink fully filled with specified ethylene glycol, which can reach a high temperature. At the time of testing, leather specimens are put in the six standard glass containers filled with high temperature liquid, and the stainless steel containers are placed above each glass.
Relying on the constant water flow distribution, the temperature can maintain at 20℃ constantly, and it can be adjusted through the regulation device connected to the main frame. This controlled environment condition will generate a layer of “fog” on the surface of specimens. The operator can determine the fogging characteristics of materials based on gravimetric analysis method or refraction method.
Brief Introduction:
The fogging test equipment is designed to test the fogging phenomena of leather and fabric under specified environment conditions, suitable for the fogging property evaluation of volatile components of the interior trimming materials used in cars and aircrafts under high temperature, and the instrument can also be used to test the fogging property of car xenon lamps.
DIN 75201 Determination of the fogging characteristics of trim materials in the interior of automobiles
ISO 6452 Rubber or plastics coated fabrics-determination of fogging characteristics of trim materials
in the interior of automobiles
SAE J1756 Test procedure to determine the fogging characteristics of interior automotive materials
QB/T 2728 Leather-physical and mechanical test-determination of fogging characteristics.
BS EN 14288 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of fogging characteristics
PV 3920 Determination of fog value (F) of non-metallic interior materials
PV 3015 Non-metallic materials for interior trim-determination of condensable constituents.
ES-X83231 Standard test method-For fogging of interior materials
NES M0161 Interior materials fog test method
GM 9305P Determination of fogging characteristics of automotive interior trim materials
TSM 0503G Fogging test method for non-metallic materials
· Internal carrying plane, in structural treated steel, anti-acid painted.
· External protection in sheet steel of proper thickness, anti-acid treated and painted with epoxy resin.
· six work places 18/8 Inox steel test room.
· 18/8 Inox steel lift able cooling system.
· Rapid clutch Agitation System.
· Armored resistances.
· Security thermostat.
· Cooling liquid and relief entry etching with rubber-carrier.
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